Letterpress postcard, using photopolymer plates and poem by Fay Zwicky
ed. 25
4 x 6 in.
Included in Poetry at Round Top: Distance Avails Not! A Remembrance program (featured artist in letterpress poem postcard exchange, at the annual Poetry at Round Top Festival in Round Top, TX, April 2018).
Letterpress poetry broadside, photopolymer plates and handmade recycled paper
ed. 225
12 1/4 x 5 1/2 in.
Produced by ABBA (A-Buncha-Book-Artists) collective for Earth Day and to celebrate environmentally conscious practices worldwide. Designed by Brandy Burdick, Angie Dell, Aimee León, Dan Mayer, and Maria Talavera. Words by Angie Dell. Image by Maria Talavera and Aimee León. Letterpress printed with solar plates on Cindy Iverson's handmade recycled cardboard paper.
letterpress print, handmade stencil and photopolymer plates
ed. 20
5 3/8 x 7 7/8 in.
letterpress print, handmade stencil and photopolymer plates
ed. 20
5 3/8 x 7 7/8 in.